Since 1974
Since 1974


Air, Sea and Land

Project Cargo
About us
Harbour Handlers (Pte) Ltd has, since its incorporation in 1974, grown to be one of Singapore’s better known freight forwarders and today has offices in Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar.
With its expertise, long-serving and helpful staff, its fleet of cargo-movers and IT applications, Harbour Handlers (Pte) Ltd can handle all your freight requirements, both sea, air and land. We operate landing crafts and barges to deliver logging and mining equipment to inaccessible sites. If need to, we have charter ships to ensure delivery of cargo to any part of the world.
Harbour Handlers (Pte) Ltd has a large fleet of equipment
Prime-movers, Low-Bed trailers, container trailers and cargo trucks with cranes to handle import and export cargoes from light to heavy lifts.